The Chelan County Commissioners will host a series of community-led discussions Tuesday through Thursday nights, in each of the three districts which the commissioners represent.
District 1 Commissioner Kevin Overbay will host the meeting from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4, at Mission View Elementary School, 60 Terminal Ave. in Wenatchee.
District 3 Commissioner Brad Hawkins is host from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 5, at Chelan Fire & Rescue, 232 E. Wapato Ave. in Chelan.
District 2 Commissioner Shon Smith invites constituents from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6, at Leavenworth Fire Hall, 228 Chumstick Highway.
Joining Commissioner Hawkins at the meeting in Chelan on Wednesday night will be Community Development Director Deanna Walter, Public Works Director Eric Pierson, and Natural Resources Director Mike Kaputa.
Spanish-interpreting services will be available at each of the meetings.
During the Chelan County Commissioners' legislative meeting Monday, the commissioners approved a request from the Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber's Ambassadors received approval for use of up to $90,000 from the county hotel-motel tax reserve fund to support greeting hikers at trailheads and possibly assisting with shuttling in civic volunteers for trail maintenance.
The ambassadors , in their request for county assistance, said they want to assure visitors to area national parks have a good experience in the wake of the layoff of federal workers.
Commissioner Shon Smith said it would be an appropriate use of the tourism marketing dollars.
Commissioner Brad Hawkins voted against use of the funds with concern it would set an unsustainable precedence.